Monday, November 29


For people that are thoroughly annoyed by the overuse and abuse of ...'s and exclamation points, I'm your man. I love both! I recall reading "Bonfire of the Vanities" and I think he used an exclamation point in EVERY sentence. LOVED IT. Anyway, my polka dot sweater and angle layered skirt are both by
Leifsdottir. I don't know anything about them but they sent me an intriguing postcard so OFCOURSE
I had to go to their website and ofcourse I had to pick up this little outfit. The word must be out there that I'm a SURE THING. Necklaces by Kara Sipe.

These bad boys say "Mess with me and I'll step on your face with my heal!" GRRRRRRRRRR!
Dagwood strikes a pensive pose.