Black and white polka dot opaques and red leather (what REAL leather????) with some double buckle action. My tail is wagging SO hard about the rain!
Friday, December 14
Rain, Rain, Come Back!!!!!!
When I was awoken to the rain baring down on my roof it filled me with much mirth. How long overdue! Got to unearth this bitchin' raincoat I scored at Ross about 10 years ago. Gray with black and white jiggy dots. Dig it!
Had this Type Z dress for awhile. Dress you say? I thought they just did fierce platforms? I guess there's nothing Type Z can't do? (just like donuts, ask Homer Simpson) Black & white jersey with 5 square pattern. Red horizontal bands and neckline. It has these mega-belled sleeves that I have crammed into this sweater. At close inspection my arms look deformed. Wheeeeee! Grey and red polka dot sweater from Ideeli.

Black and white polka dot opaques and red leather (what REAL leather????) with some double buckle action. My tail is wagging SO hard about the rain!
Black and white polka dot opaques and red leather (what REAL leather????) with some double buckle action. My tail is wagging SO hard about the rain!