Believe it or not, I don't embrace the whole skellie thing. But my tights bring out the pirate in me. Still waiting for my eye patch to arrive from Ebay.
Think M.B. Ramos made the nail necklace. She created the most clever jewelry. She had a baby and quit. Other piece is cheap-o-liscious.
Striped jersey top, I've probably worn this 6" of cloth as a dress in the past. Wheeeeee!
Well...........I hope not, perhaps it shrunk

Skellie leggings, dig it!
Might not be able to discern my shoes, but what a cool shot! The shoes are a major departure from my usual look. They are red, black and white plaid tennis shoes! W H A T?
Maybe that's why I chose to shoot them so far away!
Tennis shoes? Eye patch? Now that is scary!