Tea with the ladies is an excruciating, torturous fete involving tea, sweets, upright cadavers and lots of narcoleptic gossip. Keeping my mouth perpetually crammed with crumpets I had little to add to the conversation. Thank God I'd hidden a flask in my skirt.
De rigueur for this monotonous occasion is poofy, lacy, girlie attire. I'm out of my comfort zone obviously.
Extracted from the collection of centuries old family heirlooms is this pearl encrusted gem.
Brown blouson sleeved ornately embroidered blouse from Antropologie. Fancy pink camisole beneath.
Observe some delicious detail in this garb.
Voile pleated skirt by a favorite brand, Nic and Zooey. Jiggy exposure.......
Irresistible shoe boots by Kensie with pink lace and button sides.
Much rather be a this tea party! Dig it!