Okay, so I possess this grass green sweater from Antropologie that I was craving to wear. It was hip length and had a fairly modest v-neck. I pull it out of the vast inventory, dry cleaning tag still attached and now the thing has stretched out of all proportion. The v is now down to my sternum, you're going "what isn't?"
I'd have to have simian arms to correctly wear this. Fortunately is does conceal my dessicated bologna hands. Dig it!
So now, I'm wearing it as a tunic, risky business!

Conjure a profession?
Andy Warhol tights gifted to me by a friend.
Check these out. Green and black petroleum based platforms with guns on the heels. Wheeee!
If I could be described as anything I think the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is "OUT OF CONTROL". Wheeeeeeeeeeee!