Friday, January 15

Ice Capades....Wheeeeeee!

Who isn't riveted with elation by the "Ice Capades?" Is that dead silence I hear? More dreadful yet, Disney Ice Capades! Disney is right up there with Fantasy Football (whatever that is), reality shows (never have witnessed one, gratefully) , well hell, I'm on a roll......NRA, Trump; provident to close my mouth. Rampant digression here. Gifted this skirt for "Origin of the Species" day, all must concur a modicum resemblance to said attire. Dig it! Pre-Cambrian striped long sleeved. Incredulous this thing is still breathing.

Black tights, white polka dots. Bona fide leather shoe boots and blue and orang polka dot socks. 

Laude these socks so ardently I used them on my new business card. Recollect this train wreck ensemble? Rock on!
Well, new business card pic is M.I.A. Last business card. Recall this ridiculous pairing?

Thanks for all who follow me in Russia!!!!!!!!!!