Saturday, September 14

Hey! It's Saturday again!

Forever fried, I had a bit of trouble with what day it was all day long yesterday. Hence the previous post being Saturday also. Wheeeeeee!
The only piece of polymer jewelry I've ever liked. Of course I misplaced in my house for two months. Everything has a precise place. However would I get it together in the morning? You're thinking, "you call that together?"

Appears to be a dress no? Well, it's a skirt and a blouse, uh, alert the media.

This jersey top actually boasts camel hued cap sleeves, but they're all jacked up from the front so I'll just show you how it continues to the back. 

Recently bequeathed to me, I think they are now the most glamorous shoes I own. Vintage pumps made entirely out of mesh. 

Forever fried? Who'd of thought?