Wednesday, September 7

Cynthia and the Albuquerque Museum

Every third Thursday of the month the Albuquerque Museum is open to the public for a host of cultural freebies. One can delight in the current exhibition, engage in crafts projects, imbibe and, that evening, partake of an adroit classical orchestra. Naturally I attempt to don an ensemble that is more staid in observance of my freeloading off of such a gracious occasion and venue.
  Cynthia Cook's necklace is the prize of this elected attire. Design and repose' work are astounding. I cherish this piece.

Alas the evergreen frock I'm boasting does not document at all. Arresting scoop-necked jersey with double ruffle of matching hued tulle. It's in my top 100 favorite dresses!

Jim Kopp mask. Dig it!

Clever shoe boots peppered with port holes. Bulbous heal.

Cloaked by night, a misty drizzle and an umbrella I closed a sublime eve.