Tuesday, January 19

Out of Albuquerque. Not Africa.....

Frantic fervor for this ensemble. Resonates my slant on Karen Blixen. Anathema to smartly garb oneself and frolic about slaughtering wildlife. Shame on her!

Who isn't smitten about swinging simians? Divine antique gem. My glut of animal print inventory serves worth an indigenous esthetic, with a jot of snap. How close do I mimic the safari jacket? Replete with knotted belt. Dig it!

Maxi is as maxi does in this wool, knife pleat, micro houndstooth skirt from vintage clothing store in Santa Fe.

Jungle fever for these cheesy boots from such an embarrassing venue you'll have to water board me to
divulge. Thrift Town would be an upgrade! Rock on!

  Untame your inner tamesness. I made this up. Wheeeeeeeeee!