Sunday, January 3

Birthday Party of Yore

Share in my disbelief that this ensemble was worn on the 14th. Twas a tempest of commerce, and a depleted imagination that forced these to accrue. Heavens knows there's a plethora of prime lunacy to share!
Tame for the occasion. Meeting the vastly conservative elderly gentleman friend of a relative, I reigned in abundantly. Hopefully. There isn't much I can contain with regard to my persona. I hope they're still dating............Deluxe bakelite in this colorful choker by Alison Franks. To modify my beloved Joker's question, "Where does she get those wonderful buttons?"

Slinky is as slinky does in this exalted frock with swathed, irregular hem. Dig it!

Trust me, it's really there............. Red belt, 30 years old. Dashing red leather boots. Really.

Last opportunity to liven the staid with this peppery leather jacket. Incredulously, company wasn't
abashed by my outfit. Just moi! Wheeeeeee!