Wednesday, November 12

Dollar Movie Monday

Have a standing date with dear friend Elaine to go to "the dollar" on Mondays. I relish date night! We've been rendezvousing for over 10 years. It's no longer even a dollar. But when you're used to saying "the dollar", it sounds very weird to say " the two dollar". I suggested "Magic in the Moonlight" because the synopsis sounded arresting. When the film started I uttered, "this is exactly like the font Woody Allen uses, and the music". Nowhere in the synopsis did it say the movie was by Woody Allen! I adore his work and it was such a treat. Year, 1928. Does it get any better than that? I think not. The costuming was exemplary. Observe.

I considered my ensemble quite surprisingly in tandem.  You'r thinking, "whereupon do you speak, moron?"

Some lenience should be lent regarding my shoes at least. Jean was a year old when I was gifted these hose. Confess to flaccid waistband. Perpetual hiking up involved, again, what not for fashion's sake?

Fancy this fabric choker. Yet another gem by Alison Franks.

                                                              Nice bologna skin.

I didn't sight a denim jacket throughout the entire movie. Perhaps it ended up on the cutting room floor.