Friday, November 14

Feelin' the Love Wednesday

Thomas Man, does a plethora of heart themed jewelry. Fact is, his company's known as "Techno Romantic"  Have this opera length necklace boasting double hearts. Larger of textured sterling encasing red lucite companion.

Love this love sweater. It's bulky, it's furry, it's comfy, it's warm. Wednesday was cold, though I can't definitively recall. People have said such.

I gleaned this 30's skirt at a vintage establishment in Santa Fe.  It's so Mrs. Dalloway. Least I think it is. I didn't really read it. So what! I'm working my way threw every book ever published. Hang on to your shirt.

Little bit of witch under the house action going on here. Dig it!

Witch. Affirmative. Under house, one can hope.