Sunday, November 2

Sophistication (Huh?) in Lace..........

Every blue moon I can pull off a tasteful sense of demure fem. This mock leather ( if you can clean it with spit, I don't think it's real), peplum waisted jacket with lace sleeves is about as clever and refined as I can find in my DNA to execute. Dig it!

Loveliness is as loveliness does in this raspberry mini cloaked in black lace. Scalloped edge. Ahhhhhhh.

Plethora of Laurette O'Neill pearl and sterling gems. Are we feeling a Coco vibe? She probably hopes not.........

Luscious little cranberry patent kitten heels. I sometimes like to feature shoes in which I could run a
10 k.Well, maybe a 5k. Oh, forget it. I'd be crawling on my hands and knees in regular running shoes. Those days are long gone. Wheeeee!